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Message from Worshipful Master,
William A. Gardenhire



I am humbled and honored to serve as your 93rd Worshipful Master for 2024. 

The last few years have been tumultuous with covid, sickness and death. But through it all, GOD has blessed us, individually and collectively. It is with the assurance of His Word, that I stand before you today with optimism, that GOD will answer our prayers and give us victory in 2024 and beyond.

Optimism is contagious, and we can spread it like the trowel of brotherly love, with joy. This is what I am asking all of us to do in 2024 and beyond. We know we have multiple problems, but I believe that together we can meet each challenge and overcome every one of them.



Bro. William A. Gardenhire

Worshipful Master

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"A beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory, illustrated by signs & symbols. "

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The fraternal bonds formed in the lodge help build lifelong friendships among men with similar goals and values. Below is a list of upcoming events supporting the lodge and the community.

About our Lodge

Since 1920, Joppa Lodge No.55 has enhanced and strengthened the character of men by providing opportunities for fellowship, philanthropy, and the search for truth – within ourselves and the larger world.

Through Freemasonry, we uphold our masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth providing us the opportunity to create lifelong fraternal bonds and impact our communities by improving ourselves. 

Inspired to Join?

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